
The Tooth Fairy aka ANNIE ROCKS ROSS

it's a christmas miracle! well. close anyways. mike has to have a root canal. if you are not familiar with BYU health coverage and the cost of dental procedures, they don't mix well. we were close to finding a cardboard box on the corner and nixing Christmas for the next five years, but Mike' sister Annie is AMAZING. she used to work at an endodontics office [dental-ish] and called in a couple favors. we are building her a shrine in our living room. we love you Annie! [and now we can buy you a Christmas present]


  1. I want the dress and the wings for Christmas, thanks!

  2. Mike... Way to go school meat.

  3. YES that picture is amazing. And I remember Mike saying he had sensitivity, when you guys came in the summer. That STINKS it turned out to be a root canal. Sweet that you're getting a deal. It pays to know the right people. And Annie is definitely a right person. Especially in that costume. I think you should get it for her for Christmas. I'd like to see that become a reality. :)

  4. Sara you and your computer graphic skills are amazing!I too would love to see that costume become a reality! ...oh and Annie is pretty great too for helping out Mike.....


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